Family Tree Acupuncture is offering 20% OFF their entire line of Nordic Naturals fish oils through the end of August.

Like you, I’m sure, I have sat through many a discourse from my parents and grandparents on the injustices of growing up in a bygone era. Something along the lines of, “I had to walk to school every day, come rain or snow, uphill (both ways), to school,” or “while you’re enjoying your Flintstones vitamin, know that my mother made me drink cod liver oil every day.”

Now, the first gripe, I really truly sympathize with.  And although the taste of cod liver oil seems to have emotionally scarred an entire generation, I have to admit that my grandparents and great-grandparents were onto something.

As Chinese medicine practitioners, Jorge and I don’t often venture into the world of western supplements. Using acupuncture, Chinese herbs, moxibustion and therapeutic massage, we are able to help prevent disease and correct imbalances in the body that lead to a host of symptoms. We believe that the body has the ability to heal itself under the right conditions and if stimulated to do so. It’s all about balance.

This idea of balance is exactly why we’ve become huge fans of fish oils. I’d even go so far as to say we’ve become fish heads.  Fish oils contain EFA’s, or essential fatty acids. They’re “essential” because, not only are they required for optimum health, but they cannot be produced by our bodies. We can only get them through diet or supplementation.

If you’re familiar with cholesterol, then you’ve probably heard that there is “good” cholesterol (HDL) and “bad” cholesterol (LDL). The same is true with essential fatty acids, which consist of “good” omegas (omega-3) and the “bad” omegas (omega-6). Like cholesterol, a healthy balance between the two needs to be struck in order to promote health and avoid chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, joint deterioration, mood disorders and poor immunity. Sadly, the western diet is chock-full of the unfavorable EFA’s (omega-6s), which are found in refined vegetable oils, processed foods and meats.

The good EFA’s, omega-3s, are hiding out in foods like flaxseeds, walnuts and sardines. Unfortunately, most of us don’t consume enough of these foods to maintain the balanced ratio required to support healthy processes in the body. The result is something that many people can relate to: chronic inflammation, poor circulation & a depressed immune system among other things.

The good news is that you can balance your EFAs with fish oil supplements such as those offered by Nordic Naturals, which we now carry in-office. These omega-3 powerhouse supplements help promote cardiovascular health, arthritis & joint health, cognition, mood & mental health, pregnancy & lactation, learning & focus, immune function and health inflammatory levels. Want even better news?

We’re offering our entire line of Nordic Naturals fish oils for 20% off through the end of the month of August. Hooray for you!!

As a child, I suffered from seasonal and environmental allergies that were constant and, at times, debilitating. When I discovered Chinese medicine as a teenager, I was able to turn a major corner with regard to building my immunity and decreasing the inflammation that was resulting in my allergy symptoms. Years later, when I added fish oils to my regimen, my allergies went away completely.

When it comes to acupuncture, herbal medicine and dietary changes, we never recommend that a patient try something that we haven’t experienced ourselves. It is our responsibilities as healers to live the medicine that we offer to our patients: physician, heal thyself. As you contemplate throwing back your first 1/2 tsp of lemon-flavored fish oil, know that my family is doing the very same thing every day. And honestly, the taste isn’t bad at all. Our 3-year-old daughter drinks it and loves it. Don’t worry though, if you can’t stomach the thought, we carry the capsule version as well 🙂

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