by Maggie | Aug 10, 2015 | Chinese medicine, Community Acupuncture, Ear Acupuncture, Health Advice
I remember my very first allergy attack. I was 11 years old and playing around with a potpourri ball in my bedroom, the kind that you stick in a dresser drawer to keep socks from smelling like….well, socks. I took a big whiff of that potpourri and then sneezed about...
by Maggie | Jul 13, 2015 | Chinese medicine, Community Acupuncture, Ear Acupuncture, Veteran's Clinic
By Jorge Mejia AP, DOM How many times have we heard the phrase “it’s all connected…?” If you stopped to really ponder this notion it can be overwhelming to think about how physically we are made up of the same stuffs as stars and that the molecules we inhale and...
by Maggie | May 12, 2015 | Chinese medicine, Health Advice
Jorge and I are going through a huge transition right now. Never strangers to change in general, this isn’t our first foray into uncharted waters. However, this feels massive. As fellow creatures of habit, I’m quite sure you can relate to this. Here’s what I know...
by test | Nov 20, 2014 | Health Advice
For years I was ashamed to call myself a healthcare practitioner. Frankly, my immunity was the pits. One year, I hacked phlegmy fluids from the deep, ravenous echos of my poor lungs from mid-January through late-April. Since childhood, I’ve learned to live with, power...