Like us, you are certainly navigating some life changes in the midst of this choppy sea of uncertainty. As we’ve been listening to your struggles and stories of perseverance, there’s one phrase we’ve heard over and over again.

“I can’t afford to get sick.”

While Family Tree Acupuncture is back up and running, we understand that some of you aren’t ready to come in for acupuncture. Covid concerns, changes in finances, or new demands on your time may have shifted your focus away from self-care, understandably.

Ready for some good news?

There’s no need to mask-up or even leave your house in order to prioritize your health! We can now ship customized Chinese herbs and medical grade supplements directly to your home, including the ones we’re highlighting today to boost immunity.

What’s more, we’ve set up a discount AND a free offer for established patients. Keep reading to find out more!

Our starting lineup for immunity is indispensable when it comes to protecting your health, so let us re-introduce you to some of our MVPs.

Fish Oils: Nordic Naturals ProOmega

What does it do? The Omega-3s found in fish oil boost immunity by reducing inflammation and helping your body produce antibodies, which attack bacteria and viruses. Need a mental boost? Omega 3s optimize brain function as well as support a healthy heart and eyes making it a powerhouse supplement!

Why this brand? When it comes to fish oils, don’t cut corners by purchasing the cheapest offering. A low-quality or rancid oil may do more harm than good. Nordic Naturals is considered the “gold star” of fish oils. Their focus on quality, purity and potency, and their commitment to using non-GMO ingredients is second to none.

Probiotics: OrthoMolecular OrthoBiotic

What does it do? A huge portion of your immune system is in your GI tract, and your gut is alive…literally. Probiotics are part of the living system inside your intestines known as your “microbiome.” It’s a proper army, well-trained to fight bad bacteria when you have too much of it. Fermented foods are a great source of probiotics (think pickles & sauerkraut). If you’re not eating fermented foods daily, a probiotic supplement is a must.

Why this brand? Since probiotics are living organisms, the way that a company processes and packages their supplement is paramount. An unsettling percentage of low-quality probiotics, when tested, contain only a fraction of the ingredient potency they claim to have. OrthoMolecular regularly performs “stability testing” on their medical-grade supplements to ensure that their formulas meet the claims made on the labels. Quality and transparency….what a breath of fresh air!

Chinese herbs: Astra C (aka Jade Screen Formula)

What does it do? This Chinese herbal formula has been used to boost immunity for at least 800 years and consists of 3 herbs: bai zhu (white atractylodes rhizome), fang feng (saposhnikovia root), and huang qi (Astragalus root). These three herbs work together to strengthen your “qi” and give pathogens the boot.

Why this brand? Health Concerns is especially stringent about their herb sourcing, quality controls and testing for maximum potency and purity. In the case of this classic formula, they’ve taken it to the next level with the addition of rose hips (helps the immune system fight off foreign invaders thank you very much), acerola (aka Barbados cherry, which is a rich source of vitamin C), and zinc. Yowza!!

Western blend: Viracid from Orthomolecular

What does it do? The demand for Astra C (above) makes it hard to get these days, but Viracid is a great alternative. Viracid is a more western approach to maintaining a healthy, functioning immune system. It includes a key Chinese herb, Huang Qi (astragalus membranaceus), along with a synergistic blend of zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, L-lysine and pantothenic acid.

Why this brand? This is the same company that produces the medical-grade probiotic that we recommend. Tried and true.

If you can’t afford to get sick, then don’t!  We’ve set up a 10% discount on these supplements for you through Fullscript until the end of September. When you spend over $50, shipping is free and they’ll arrive right to your door in 4-7 business days. Have one or more of these at home already? No worries! You can pick and choose from our protocol recommendations as needed. Simply click on Fullscript’s “Place Order” button below to get started.

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

How about some more good news?

If you need a customized herbal formula for a more specific health issue, we’re offering free herbal phone consults for established patients through the end of September. Your customized herbs can be sent directly to your house or you can pick them up from our office. To set up your free consultation, call our office at 386-944-5855. 

If you’re navigating life changes, know that we are too, and you’re not alone. We’re here for you when you’re ready, whether in person, virtually, or through the postal service, to keep you grounded and healthy in the safest way possible.

Your friends at Family Tree Acupuncture

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