A Solution for Irritated Eyes

The eyes are the window to the soul, and if yours are dry, irritated, red, itchy or painful, you might find it hard to do some soul searching. Fear not! We have an easy and effective home remedy for you using one of our favorite Chinese herbs. Ju hua (pronounced...
Moxibustion How-To

Moxibustion How-To

Moxibustion is a very warm and relaxing addition to an acupuncture treatment and is often used instead of acupuncture for those who are especially sensitive to needles. In fact, there are some properties to moxibustion that exceed the capabilities of acupuncture...

4-Ingredient Soup: A Traditional Cold Remedy

Questioning whether or not you’re getting sick? If you’ve been around someone who’s sick or you’re hearing about people who are, you might find yourself asking “are I or aren’t I?” at the slightest sensation in your throat. Some good news! We have a simple yet...


Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace, and balance that benefits both your emotional well-being and your overall health. These benefits don’t end when your meditation session ends. Meditation can help carry you more calmly through your day and may help you...