Moxibustion is a very warm and relaxing addition to an acupuncture treatment and is often used instead of acupuncture for those who are especially sensitive to needles. In fact, there are some properties to moxibustion that exceed the capabilities of acupuncture needles. Depending on the condition being treated, we might use more moxibustion than acupuncture or vice versa.

Moxibustion is incredibly good at boosting energy and improving immunity, which is why we’re putting the medicine into your hands. Watch Dr. Jorge Mejia demonstrate this easy technique so you can treat yourself in the comfort of your own home. Moxibustion supplies are available for purchase in our office.

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Don’t Forget To Eat Your Meds

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People, Wake up! But First, Sleep.

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Lend me your ear…no really

Lend me your ear…no really

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